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Hash tag learn from home

2022 May 14 Saturday 12:38

It is always bemusement to observe a teacher ostensibly assess students' during the public transport commute. Often, the futility of the task is realised and the inevitable distraction addiction emerges... As the end nears of spring term, both teachers and students appear tired of it all. Whilst the many parts of the "high skill, high wage" economy have already transitioned towards a de facto four day work-week, when will the education sector follow? AS is typical of the sector, the union would rather pontificate about irrelevant stuff with gimmicks such distribution of "unhappy birthday cards" about ofsted. Instead, would prefer a campaign for a reduction in the school week.

Fediverse ignorance of internet safety

Perhaps a coincidence with a certain ownership of a social media platform by a billionaire, but of interest to note development of a "declaration of future internet" by usa, eu digital services act and closer to home, the uk "online safety bill" within a few weeks of each other. Of course,"big tech" brought these legislation themselves due to typical computer nerd arrogance. So far, a disappointment of the fediverse communities is an almost complete absence of consideration of impact upon children. At least the proposed "online safety bill" makes such care a priority.