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Final furlong

2022 July 9 Saturday 12:37

When the finish line is imminent, top athletes push harder to reach the end.

It's been a (perceptively) long year, first after pseudo-pandemic, blah blah blah etc. etc. etc.. In review, notable observations: older children/young adults may have benefitted from an exposure to alternative, additional modes to learn, aquire knowledge in (a)synchronous processes, beneficial for future employment patterns (in contrast to education systems ill-equipped to adapt); younger children have had insufficient time to develop self-discipline; sciences (deliberate emphasis!) teachers are deliberately undervalued to maintain costs as low as possible (recent job advert, pe teacher to teach also "science", what the hell?!).

Webmention: When six subjects are better than three

Reply: Lisa Clatworthy

English Baccalaureate, British Baccalaureate, seem to be distractions from the primary motivation to minimise cost, yet provide opportunities for self-aggrandisement of educationalists. Government policy is unable to decide whether education is preparation for wage slavery extant economic exploitation, or personal enlightenment. With such a question deliberately and conveniently unanswered, there is little incentive to provide such an education.

Summer read and coincidental obituary

2022 July 28 Thursday 14:09

book cover image of gaia by james lovelockAn old book and been aware of it for a while, but only recently began to read. Whilst Professor James Lovelock is most famous for Earth science theory, the invention of the gas chromatogram electron capture dector is more significant to the community; what cannot be measured, cannot be managed is an oft-quoted mantra. He died on his birthday.

40.2 °C in Heathrow last week. Not much behaviour change, in observation of queues for holidays departures.