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Personal adversity, professional sanity

2022 October 20 Friday 16:45

A typical balance as a teacher is maintenance of "aloofness"; to be affable, but not too friendly, or share too much of one's personality. Similarly with colleagues; after all, they are not friends. No matter the bravado, is it natural to feel saddened that a personal limit is reached: personality trait(s) restricts professional progression; adverse circumstances affect professional decisions? Realisation. Acceptance...

The half-term "break". In reality, not a complete rest. A bit of literature to read as part of professional development. Some reading for pleasure. Some plans to make about the term ahead. If "all of the above" permits, one or two hobbies to pursue.

Deep sleep for deep thought

2022 October 28 Friday 14:38

A good aspect of the week, a simple opportunity to rest and sleep; no alarm clock! However, as the return, returns, slight disappointment: too much time with "work-related" tasks such as reading as part of preparation for future lessons; insufficient time spent to do enjoyable tasks. At least the "break" allowed some formative assessment to be done, which is of course useful for future teach approaches and personalisation for specific students. Wish more time could be available to develop new hobbies/interests. To be retired. Never mind. In modern parlance: "it is what it is"