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Generative pre-trained transformer, ready before teachers

2022 December 21 Wednesday 10:49

A few weeks ago, as term nears end (thankfully; been a tired time!), an assignment was received from a student. It was formatted as a pdf file, yet curiously unable to export the text. The intention was to do a quick search for suspected plagiarism, since the text bore little resemblance to the assignment. It was only noticed in the meta-data that the source was a mobile phone (well known Asian brand...). Remained suspicious, but since the assignment was a "low stakes" task, thought nothing further and ceased further investigation.

Then a couple connections: firstly, an article in a reputable newspaper about "chatgpt"; followed by a subsequent fediverse post about the very same software. As always, a quick search ("follow the money") reveals links to the usual suspects; microsoft, musk, etc.. So, the software has been available for a few weeks, yet considerable interest has been aroused. How to confound? No doubt, there will be the "tech-solutionists" that will sell some anti-ai software, for a new repetitive business strategy by both; paid by the most, for the benefit of the few. Maybe some teachers will join some "start-up" to turn from "poacher to game-keeper" and survive the rat-race to a fictitious ease of retirement. Methinks that chemistry is too niche, too difficult a subject for the ai business market. We shall see!

two microsoft logos indicate change from red circle to blue square styles The "loading circle" is one of the most ubiquitous signs in the modern computer world. To use some fantastic new feature, us passive users are supposed to wait an eternity (just discovered there is considerable amounts of time wasted to use html css for this modern day tedium). While yet another module of microsoft sharepoint loads, noticed the minor notification about a change in icons; why are so many icons coloured blue???

In yet another microsoft rant, also an annoyance to see the web page icon text 'onedrive for business'; really wish that 'moodle' learn management software was more a successful deployment in uk schools.

Northern hemisphere winter solstice

From >40 °C to zero...Up until this time (this year, 21:48 more precisely), always a personal depression to observe the day's decrease in duration. From now onwards, not anymore, even during the imminent winter term! :)

Time to mark

2022 December 27 Tuesday 12:12

It is holiday time, but the tempation to mark some students' homework, ruins such holiday time (unless one travels far from home of course).

Signed in to the amgaf system, which now includes so-called "two factor" authentication. An annoyance since the intention was to keep the phone off and away...'Teams' content is inaccessible via gnu/linux (don't want to use download any software and the web browser versions fail via chromium and firefox), but thankfully, students' work is accessible via the "site pages" of classes groups, of sharepoint. The web browser word processor version fails to load, but fortunately, had a version of the homework assignment on removable storage memory. What the ... is the purpose of the "immersive reader" option???

After some homework was marked did some quick calculations: 50 marks, 20 minutes each student (remember these are gce a level, so each calculation and statement of answer requires careful review. Can't cut corners in chemistry!), ocassional feedback comments. Each homework assignment for the classes responsible equates to (approximation round down) 25 hours! Of course, this will reduce further for those students that fail to do the work, but the idea is evident: it is not feasible to do this consistently, for each homework assignment.

Some students would benefit from discussion to improve comprehension of the topic, but what is the value to give advice, weeks or months after the assignment? Without advice within sufficient time from an assignment, one begins to question if the concept of homework becomes reduced.

On such realisation, stopped, signed out; it is sunny outside.