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Historic compatibility: computer industry weakness

2023 February 28 Tuesday 22:37

Scenario not too uncommon: some old 'Latex' files on memory storage media exist for some topic to teach, which one wants to "recycle" and update if necessary.

One advantage of chromebooks is the relatively small amount of hard disk space; this encourages regular usage of (multiple? Should be!) removable storage media and multiple copies of files becomes a routine activity.

Anyway, some old aforementioned files are copied onto the chromebook, with the naive expectation that the Latex files would compile without fuss, except for the inevitable typographic user error. Whilst using school equipment (and the associated absence of permissions), was unable to compile a Latex file, primarily due to the package 'siunitx'. Another example of programmers' dismissal of some users.

Despondent about data

Perhaps a consequence of "long-sars-cov, a few too many students are not too concerned ("it's not deep") about recent routine summative assessments. Perhaps the advent of educational technology is the "genie now out of the proverbial bag". Lessons more social, with internet access to lessons now more conducive to independent study.