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Return to (a little bit bad) normality

2023 June 21 Wednesday 16:07

For many, closure of schools due to the coronavirus pseudo-pandemic is a distant memory that few would want to recall. In retrospect, a postive result was the necessary review of pedagogy to develop innovative methods of content provision. However, any self-professed "innovation" was an exaggeration at best (bexpletive?... at worst); uk has prior experience in initiatives such as Open University and bbc. THe former has resources for schools and the latter, well-known 'bite-size' portal.

As a result of a recent lesson plan, was reminded to review resources of Oak National Academy. Whilst it was a disappointment to discover the withdrawal of resources due to various licence restrictions, the plans to use the ogl for the future resources are a good develop to have read. A minor question: is ogl compatible with gnu gpl?