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F...d by failure

2023 August 14 Monday 15:08

It is that time of the year, for students' results to be published and the standard discussions about grades inflations, trend in pass rates, etc. etc.. Also a realisation that the spring extension (formerly known as "summer", but stopped in uk by the Arctic jet stream) has been ... and if the truth be known, not enjoyed that much. Yes, the rest was good. Got to read random content for personal pleasure (including non-English content; always good!). Collated some music, some of which will be enjoyed during the bicycle commute. Performed some maintenance tasks (bicycle tyres; shelf furniture for the humble dwelling). Tried and failed at various computer software (tools such as php, far too complicated for the novice computer hobbyist). Played some sport for good physical and mental health.

On the mind aspect, realisation (actually, reminder probably more accurate) that whilst acquaintances OK, deeper relationships of kinship, friendship, have and will continue to elude...

cartoon of classroom with chalkboard of arithmetic using roman numerals and image caption "parent objected to arabic numerals" Thanks to 'progressive power', a sad demonstration of the preference for ignorance. Another reason why "social mobility" that education may provide, is not supported by all.

That back to school feel

2023 August 16 Saturday 11:05

Seen the Christmas tat in the shops. Advertisements for generic school uniform clothes. It is time.

The summer weather has been a disappointment, but the rest has bee nice and appreciative. Next week, have to get the body and mind ready for the year ahead. Will start to attempt some chemistry questions to get the brain reactive, review pedagogy in preparation. Also think about resources to use and which personal resources (on electronic storage media) to think about use this year. However, "over-planning" brings potential stress. Yes be prepared, but the joy and drama to teach, is the unexpected. New classes, new personalities ahead.

Signs of a ...hole country

county jail mugshot photograph former usa president d trump Recent publication of a soon-to-be-iconic photograph of a usa president, reminded of a previous 'blog post', which has since prompted to propose the following definitions of aforementioned country: