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Presentation software pain (ad nauseum)

2024 February 28 Wednesday 21:31

It remains a continued annoyance that software tools continue to ignore the abstract demands of chemistry pedagogy. In the absence of LaTeX, simple chemical equations are a chore to insert into the presentation-software-that-shall-not-be-named. Although web site services (apparently sold as "cloud" services, as if all those that remember "mainframe, thin client" concepts are literally dead!) are de rigueur, what happens when said services become unavailable due to server error/problem/closure/etc.? Regardless, a "quick and dirty" method to still utilise LaTeX has been remembered, using "overleaf". With the package "mhchem", a line of a chemical equation can be written and the (pdf) output inserted as an image in that useless-but-ubiquitous-presentation-software.

Mark mirage

Summative assessments continue to be the best way for evaluation of individual comprehension. As an exercise is measurement, have recently realised that the time to complete a batch of assessments is about 15 to 20 percentage of the total time for assessments to be completed by the class. For example; if 30 pupils complete an assessment of 60 minutes duration, the time to complete review of assessments seems to consume about 300 minutes. Time will tell the accuracy...

Pictures now lie

There is no real picture, full stop

Patrick Chomet, executive vice president, Samsung, February 2024

A sad development, the idea that modern mobile phone software is so manipulative with the real world.