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Dead time towards the year end

2024 July 24 Wednesday 23:12

Those first few days of freedom. Alarm off. Nothing...nothing to do. Absorb the sunshine and let the mind wander.

In honesty, wish that schools would end the year earlier (June? A dream admittedly; maybey first week July after assessments and reports issued), the week earlier (Friday to become "learn from home" and make use of "ed-tech") and the day (fewer lessons, longer duration). Unfortunately, all of the above is highly unlikely, due to much political (and parental) preference for children to be in school for as long as possible. The government wants schools to remain primarily as low cost baby-sit services. Meanwhile, p-16 provision remains lowest in priority, despite contrary claims. For another post.

The prospect of a "dream job" comprising gce a(s) chemistry provision predominant of a part-time teach "gig" and another part-time role (private equity investor? ;)) shall be the dream during those easy times over the next few weeks.