Social Communication Hub Of Optional Learning. With the omnipresence of "social media" bullying, ...-stirring, alleged (always of course) parental communication, etc. is never too far away. To be fair, recent demands to ban mobile phones in schools (by Act of Parliament, no less) seem draconian; some children are carers (absence of government social services), some use mobile phones for medical purposes (e.g. diabetes monitor). Nevertheless, thoughts about each day of lessons are dominated by resignation about the quantity of time wasted in schools.
Noone in government, nor academia, seem in any way interested to ask fundamental questions about the purpose of general goverment education; perhaps the 'home-school' exponents are the exception
In an earlier web log post about the tedious, unnecessary and undesirable upgrade culture of modern software programmers (end of rant...), made mention to the useful tool (because that is all software is supposed to be: a tool to get something done), 'tinytex'.
The web site claims: "...TinyTeX is just a self-contained folder directory". Be aware, not true.
It has been discovered that fonts by default search the system directories. So if a specific font is required, advised to:
\usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{font filename}[ Extension=.otf, Path=/local/path/.tinytex/texmf-dist/fonts/.../, BoldFont=....otf, ItalicFont=....otf, BoldItalicFont=....otf ]Please note the the path must be absolute and the final "trailing" 'stroke' character is necessary!